OAG Bylaws
The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. (OAG) is a non-profit organization founded in 1954. It's objective is to promote and develop all forms of the visual arts. The membership includes professionals, amateurs, art enthusiasts, and patrons of the visual arts.
The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. recognizes the importance of assisting artists of different experience levels grow their creative gift. We offer many opportunities for artists to gain valuable experience, information and opportunities. Artists affiliated with us range from students, hobbyists, and emerging artists to seasoned working professionals.
The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. (OAG) is a non-profit organization founded in 1954. It's objective is to promote and develop all forms of the visual arts. The membership includes professionals, amateurs, art enthusiasts, and patrons of the visual arts.
The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. recognizes the importance of assisting artists of different experience levels grow their creative gift. We offer many opportunities for artists to gain valuable experience, information and opportunities. Artists affiliated with us range from students, hobbyists, and emerging artists to seasoned working professionals.
The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. Bylaws
Article I – Name, Purpose and Nature of Organization
Section 1 – The name of the organization shall be The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. (OAG)
Section 2 – Mission Statement – OAG is committed to the promotion of creativity, education, and the advancement of the visual arts. Founded in 1954, we purpose to continue to provide support and encouragement to art students, member artists and art patrons.
Article II – Board of Directors and Committee Chairs of OAG
Section 1 – The OAG Board shall be defined as all Elected Officers and Members of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of OAG, and delegates responsibility for day-to- day operations to the President, assigned committees and members. The Board receives no compensation from OAG.
Section 2 – The Officers of OAG shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, elected by the general membership annually. The Board of Directors of OAG shall consist of four at-large members, elected by the general membership annually, and the Past President. (If the Past President is not available to serve, then a fifth at-large member shall be appointed by the elected Board.)
Sections 4 – A quorum shall be defined as a simple majority of the current Board members. Motions shall pass by a simple majority of those Board members present.
Section 5 – Board vacancies shall be appointed as needed by the Board.
Section 6 – The Board shall not be personally liable for debts or obligations of OAG.
Article III – Duties of Elected Officers
Section 1 – The President shall have executive supervision over the activities of OAG. The President shall appoint committee chairs and other delegates not otherwise provided for. The President shall be considered an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall also maintain a master file of all Officer and Board records, reviewable by any active member by appointment.
Section 2 – The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence, incapacity, or resignation, and shall assist the President whenever possible.
Section 3 – The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of OAG, collect all funds, assist in the preparation of the annual budget, and with Board approval, invest funds, pay debts and expenses, and disperse funds. The Treasurer will also see to the preparation of all tax returns, balance all accounts, and have written reports available at all Board meetings. The Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President if both the President and Vice President are absent at any meeting.
The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to an informal review by a disinterested party for a fee to be determined by the Board. The review shall be conducted annually and at the time of transfer to a new Treasurer. The purpose of the review is to verify asset and liability book balances against external documents, and to submit a written report to the Board concerning such verification, incidentally noting any significant discrepancies or shortcomings observed in the records. The reviewer assumes no liability in connection with the review.
Section 4 – The Secretary shall keep the minutes of OAG Board meetings and prepare those minutes for publication to OAG, and assist Board members and committee chairs with needed correspondence.
Section 5 – Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs are responsible for keeping a written record of their term. These records shall be presented to their successor.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1 – Membership in OAG is open to professional and amateur artists in all media; student artists; and art patrons interested in furthering the appreciation of the visual arts.
Section 2 – The fiscal year of OAG shall begin on January 1 and continue through December 31 of each calendar year. Dues are to be paid annually, at the anniversary date of the member.
Section 4 – The Privacy of all OAG members is to be maintained at all times. Membership information may only be used for those purposes consistent with the Mission of OAG.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1 – Regular meetings of the OAG Membership shall be held monthly, allowing for exceptions and special meetings as deemed necessary by the Board. Actions brought before the membership shall pass or fail by a simple majority of those members present.
Section 2 – Regular meetings of the OAG Board shall be held monthly, allowing for exceptions and special meetings as deemed necessary by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the President or Vice- President, providing all members are notified at least 48 hours in advance. A quorum (defined as a simple majority of the current Board members) must be present to conduct the business of the Board. Motions shall pass by a simple majority of the Board members present.
Section 3 – The OAG Annual meeting shall be held at the January OAG Members Meeting.
Article VI – Amendments
Section 1 – These bylaws of OAG may be revised, amended, or otherwise changed by a simple majority vote of those voting members present at a regular or special members’ meeting. The OAG monthly newsletter and OAG website shall carry notification of the proposed changes at least 7 days before the vote.
Article VII – Construction and Terms
If there is any conflict between the provisions of these bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of OAG, the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation shall govern.
Bylaws revision was accepted by the Membership of the Oklahoma Art Guild on May 19, 2014.
Section 1 – The name of the organization shall be The Oklahoma Art Guild, Inc. (OAG)
Section 2 – Mission Statement – OAG is committed to the promotion of creativity, education, and the advancement of the visual arts. Founded in 1954, we purpose to continue to provide support and encouragement to art students, member artists and art patrons.
Article II – Board of Directors and Committee Chairs of OAG
Section 1 – The OAG Board shall be defined as all Elected Officers and Members of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for the overall policy and direction of OAG, and delegates responsibility for day-to- day operations to the President, assigned committees and members. The Board receives no compensation from OAG.
Section 2 – The Officers of OAG shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, elected by the general membership annually. The Board of Directors of OAG shall consist of four at-large members, elected by the general membership annually, and the Past President. (If the Past President is not available to serve, then a fifth at-large member shall be appointed by the elected Board.)
- The President shall appoint a 3-member Nominating Committee.
- A proposed slate of the OAG Board shall be submitted to the membership at least 7 days before the October general members’ meeting via the OAG newsletter and OAG website by the Nominating Committee.
- The Nominating Committee will accept nominations from the floor (with prior consent of the nominee) at the October general meeting, and then conduct the election of the new Board.
- The new Board will be installed at the OAG Annual Meeting in January.
Sections 4 – A quorum shall be defined as a simple majority of the current Board members. Motions shall pass by a simple majority of those Board members present.
Section 5 – Board vacancies shall be appointed as needed by the Board.
Section 6 – The Board shall not be personally liable for debts or obligations of OAG.
Article III – Duties of Elected Officers
Section 1 – The President shall have executive supervision over the activities of OAG. The President shall appoint committee chairs and other delegates not otherwise provided for. The President shall be considered an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall also maintain a master file of all Officer and Board records, reviewable by any active member by appointment.
Section 2 – The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence, incapacity, or resignation, and shall assist the President whenever possible.
Section 3 – The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of OAG, collect all funds, assist in the preparation of the annual budget, and with Board approval, invest funds, pay debts and expenses, and disperse funds. The Treasurer will also see to the preparation of all tax returns, balance all accounts, and have written reports available at all Board meetings. The Treasurer shall assume the duties of the President if both the President and Vice President are absent at any meeting.
The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to an informal review by a disinterested party for a fee to be determined by the Board. The review shall be conducted annually and at the time of transfer to a new Treasurer. The purpose of the review is to verify asset and liability book balances against external documents, and to submit a written report to the Board concerning such verification, incidentally noting any significant discrepancies or shortcomings observed in the records. The reviewer assumes no liability in connection with the review.
Section 4 – The Secretary shall keep the minutes of OAG Board meetings and prepare those minutes for publication to OAG, and assist Board members and committee chairs with needed correspondence.
Section 5 – Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs are responsible for keeping a written record of their term. These records shall be presented to their successor.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1 – Membership in OAG is open to professional and amateur artists in all media; student artists; and art patrons interested in furthering the appreciation of the visual arts.
- To be eligible to vote at any meeting of the general membership, dues shall have been paid in full in an amount which shall be established by the Board.
- Any Member under 18 years of age may have some membership privilege restrictions, to be defined as needed.
- The following membership categories are available in the Oklahoma Art Guild: i. i. Student – High school and college students
ii. Individual – Professional or amateur artists
iii. Dual – Two people who are in the same household (same address)
iv. Honorary – conferred at the discretion of the Board (non-voting)
v. Lifetime – Conferred at the discretion of the Board.
vi. Patron – Benefits of this membership established by the Board. (non-voting)
Section 2 – The fiscal year of OAG shall begin on January 1 and continue through December 31 of each calendar year. Dues are to be paid annually, at the anniversary date of the member.
- Only members current in dues shall be eligible to participate in member exhibitions, workshops and sponsored activities.
- Only members current in dues shall be published in the Membership Directory.
Section 4 – The Privacy of all OAG members is to be maintained at all times. Membership information may only be used for those purposes consistent with the Mission of OAG.
Article V – Meetings
Section 1 – Regular meetings of the OAG Membership shall be held monthly, allowing for exceptions and special meetings as deemed necessary by the Board. Actions brought before the membership shall pass or fail by a simple majority of those members present.
Section 2 – Regular meetings of the OAG Board shall be held monthly, allowing for exceptions and special meetings as deemed necessary by the Board. Special meetings may be called by the President or Vice- President, providing all members are notified at least 48 hours in advance. A quorum (defined as a simple majority of the current Board members) must be present to conduct the business of the Board. Motions shall pass by a simple majority of the Board members present.
Section 3 – The OAG Annual meeting shall be held at the January OAG Members Meeting.
Article VI – Amendments
Section 1 – These bylaws of OAG may be revised, amended, or otherwise changed by a simple majority vote of those voting members present at a regular or special members’ meeting. The OAG monthly newsletter and OAG website shall carry notification of the proposed changes at least 7 days before the vote.
Article VII – Construction and Terms
If there is any conflict between the provisions of these bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation of OAG, the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation shall govern.
Bylaws revision was accepted by the Membership of the Oklahoma Art Guild on May 19, 2014.
© Oklahoma Arts Guild, Inc., All Rights Reserved,