OAG Signature Members
An OAG Member shall become a Signature Member when his/her artwork is accepted to the OAG Spring Juried Show for a minimum, but not necessarily consecutive, four (4) years. The Artist may then use OAG following his/her name if they are a current member in good standing. To be eligible, the Artist must be a fully paid member in the fiscal year their work is accepted into the juried show. Signature membership was initiated in 1998, and in 1999, eleven artists became the Charter (*) Signature Members of the Oklahoma Art Guild.
*Veida Blick' 99
*Carol Broughton '99 *Theresa Cannady '99 *Belle Dickerson '99 *Faystine Garbrect '99 *Bette Kinghorn '99 *Kara Lee Merrell '99 *Nancy Park '99 *Sylvia Rogers '99 *Nancy Park '99 *Bert Seabourn '99 *Gaylon Thompson '99 Ladd Adams '03 Doris Bewley '09 John Brandenburg '00 Gene Brown '10 James Bruce '00 |
Annalisa Campbell '09
Jeanne Claborn '10 James Cobb '09 Wesley Crone '00 Elizabeth Culp '03 Olivia Cunningham '02 Sam Echols '02 Sy Ellens '03 Bevery Fentress '01 Natalie Friedman '02 Kay Graff '02 Larry Grothe '05 Shirley Houx '03 Russell Hughes '02 Joan Hunter '08 Mary Jane Lackey '02 Robert Lamell '03 |
Gene Longhway '02
Ted Majka '01 Regina Murphy '04 Wes Newton '01 Janet Paduh '00 Mitsuno Reedy '10 Loretta Schaefer '02 Dea Scales '09 Verna Stonecipher Fuller '09 Glen Thomas '02 Jude Tolar '12 Chris Tomlins '07 Dianna Tunnell '04 Virginia Vann '00 Don Weaver '01 Neta Wilson '01 Dorothy Woolbright '03 |
OAG Member Artists
(Names in red link to artist website.)
Candace Abernathy
Charl Adair Ladd Adams Maria Anderson Marjorie Atwood Sharon Allred Kelly Armstrong Steve Beall Michael Bendure Isabelle Berry Lori Billy Lea Anne Blake Michele Boatman Betty Bondy Marjorie Bontemps Kari Boyce Chris Brizzard Tracey Brauer Pat Broadfoot Sandra Stewart Brooks Deborah Burian Dennis Burian Greg Burns Patricia Ridge Bradley Tammy Brummell Emily Carroll Jan Chesler Shannon Claire Donna Caughlin Hannah Caughlin Mark Cheek Sunkyung Choi Ken Clark Eve Cornejo Juan Cornejo Aleise Cowsert Vicki Craig Lexi Crothers Jessica Crow Donna Daniel Dhruba Das Jude Delaney Madeline Dillner David Douthitt Sage Edsall Aimee Eischen Nadia Ellis Jenny Elton Brenda Esslinger Tristen Everett Beverly Fentress Debbie Fleetwood Cynthia Fletcher Lauren Florence Michelle Foster Carl Frates Joan Frates Mark Fuller Vicki Fuller Margee Gaeddert Kay Gamble Diane Goldschmidt Nina Goodwin Herbert Graves Almira Grammer Lisa Green Annetta Gregory Teresa Groeneveld Hal Hadzeriga David Hale Sue Hale Carol Hammontree John Hayes Traci Hayes Nancy Handlin Lisa Hare Steve Hare Olivia Harris Kim Harrison |
Terry Clark Donna Daniel Gina DeGrechie Sage Edsall Libby Farmer Sara Ferguson Michelle Foster Carl Fratus Herb Graves David Hale Sue Hale Kim Harrison Lilly Klontz Lauren Kelly Lester |
Kim Pagonis
Renee Painter Dian Paramita Soni Parsons Bill Patterson Gayle Patterson Laurel Payne Gail Pester Christy Phelps Arma Polk Ashley Pool Laura Pool Henry Poppe Leilani Pounders Shelley Presley Cheryl Price Manjula Ramineedi Corrie Reagan Karen Renfrow James Reznicek Elizabeth Richards Scott Richardson Melvin Roberts Diana Robinson Miguel Roland Jalynn Rose Abraham Rucker Kazaha Sager Suellen Sanger Lynda Savage Janice Sawaya Susan Schmidt Grace Scruggs Jim Sharp Barbara Shepherd Danyel Shirley Janetta Smith Julia Smith Lee Smith Shannon Smith Patricia Smith Natalie Smythe Iryna Snizhenko Kathleen Snow Behnaz Sohrabian Doug Stafford Georgiana Stewart Janie Stewart Laura Story Jill Streck Sharon Sudduth Mary Thomas Cynthia Thomas Lisa Thompson Sheila Thompson Jude Tolar Larry Triplett Marie Vernon Sandra Wallace James Weaver Carol Webster Jennifer Welch Marie Kash Weltzheimer Lynden Wilcoxson Lisa Witzel Robin Wolf Robert Wright Julie Yarbor Reagan Young Candie Yount Malcolm Zachariah |
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